Watercolour PAINTING 2015-16

All artworks by Danielle Folkerts – Select works.

This ongoing watercolour series is a lighthearted and evolving endeavor. Design based with thoughtful simplicity and a dreamy colour scheme. The collection is an open platform to explore a multitude of subjects and personal interests including: environmental preservation, local landscapes, travel, patterns and abstraction in the natural world.  Inspired by shared and common experiences these works intend to connect and engage viewers with a sense of place, memory and familiarity.

Watercolour, while unforgiving at the best of times, is an intuitive, meditative and therapeutic creative process. One which I gladly encourage others to try, and enjoying teaching.  It is the perfect medium to compliment with your music and get lost in the rhythm of time. Slowly building up each layer, until a translucent dream world or feeling transpires.

Selected images. All frames are uniquely refinished and collected to compliment each artwork.