at home

How to create an Art Studio at Home – even when you don’t have space!

How to create an Art Studio at Home – even when you don’t have space!

Often people say to me that they can’t create art at home because they “don’t have the space”. I get it, it is inconvenient. However, for most of my life, I never had a studio and I never let that stop me from making art. It has been challenging at the best of times, but it has also allowed me to get creative and innovative. Before I had a studio, you could usually find me creating on my cousin’s kitchen floor, working in my parents’ garage, or taking over my coffee table. Today I’ll be sharing a few fun and easy ways to incorporate a creativity studio or nook into your home.

1. Create an art-making toolbox. This will allow you to pick up and move your supplies anywhere! Grab an old or new toolbox and take over your coffee table or kitchen counter. You can easily clean it up and move everything aside when needed.

2. Set up a rolling studio cart. Pick up a cart from Ikea or Michaels, and organize your art-making materials. This will allow you to easily roll your “studio” around the house and set up on the go.

3. Divide a room or take over a corner. Create a permanent art-making space in your living room, bedroom, or anywhere that you can fit! Set up a small desk or an easel, find some storage containers, and use a divider or arrange the furniture to create 2 distinct purposes for 1 room.

4. Convert a closet. Do you have an unused closet? Clean it out and create your studio nook! Set up a desk, chair, and shelves, and fill it with inspiration.

5. Install a Fold-down table. Tight on space? Get smart with your storage! Invest in a fold-down table for additional art-making surface area.

6. Use your garage or shed. Consider converting your outdoor storage into a studio space. This may be seasonal, but it's better than nothing!

The key is to make your space functional, low maintenance, and inspirational. Make it work for you and your specific needs. You want to create a comfortable space you want to spend time and energy. Keep it clean, organized, and ready to go!

What creative and innovative solutions have you come up with? Share your suggestions with us! If you need some extra ideas or visuals, visit Pinterest for more studio inspiration.

- Danielle Folkerts